So it doesn't seem like a whole year has gone by. This year went so quickly with so many things going on in both my professional and personal life. The summer was full of fieldwork monitoring California Least Tern, Western Snowy Plover, and Gull-billed Tern reproductive success. Robert, Mike, and I deployed a PTT on an Elegant Tern (see anoth blog when I discuss the particulars of that process). I was accepted to the University of Oklahoma in April and then moved to Norman in July. I started my first semester as a doctoral student in August and met my current beau Tomasz who is from Poland. And last but DEFINITELY not least, I got published in the Department of the Interior NEWSWAVE quarterly newsletter and the paper I have been working on with Lisa Davenport and Tor Haugaasen was accepted for publication in PLoSOne. All in all, it has been a great and highly productive year.